In the summer of 1984, a 5-year-old boy goes missing in a rural town in Skåne. Despite the entire community coming together to search for him, he is not found and the rumors quickly start to spread. Twenty years later, the investigation, which has since been dropped, gains new interest as his older sister Vera encounters a young man in her group therapy session in Stockholm. His retelling of old memories of his childhood and a young boy’s disappearance seem eerily familiar and rattles her. She must now return to her hometown, and her broken family to search for the answer to the question no one wants to ask. What happened that summer when her younger brother disappeared?
An original Sky Showtime series, produced by Harmonica Films and SF Studios, in co-production with Film i Skåne.
Producers: Björn Carlström, Per Janérus
Head writers: Björn Carlström, Stefan Thunberg
Episode writers: Axel Stjärne, Jimmy Nivrén Olsson, Pontus Edvinsson & Amanda Klintwall Högberg
Directors: Jens Jonsson, Henrik Georgsson